Make a poster for a Radio Station - NEA Media Studies - Brief 3 - Tutorial 3 - MAKING THE WHOLE POSTER
Uses found images - with the intention of replacing them further down the line. The penalty for using found images has been revoked this year anyway.
AQA - Brief 3 NEA Media Studies - for submission in 2021.
Can also be used for print-based media photoshop and other web app tutorial purposes.
These papers are adapted from Autumn 2019 and 2020 to reflect the types of question that are still valid in Summer 2023. (e.g. Black Panther / Assassins’s Creed Franchise and the Theresa May Daily Mirror
Unseen print: I have selected a Daily Mail cover November 19 Adapted. Teachers could select their own.
Unseen print: The November 20 Adapted has the actual one identified in the paper - the text of the article has been recreated for greater legibility - see slide 3.
The PowerPoint has the unseen print and the video links. Enjoy! Review if it’s heplful please. Thanks! - AB
How to make a poster for a Radio Station. Made with found images, with the intention of replacing them with original photos (this year the penalty for found images has been revoked anyway). 2ND TUTORIAL.
Works specifically for Brief 3 - for submission in 2021. (AQA)
Useful also for making advertising posters with Photoshop and other web apps.
Best to share with your students via a onedrive link, or other cloud storage - file is too big to email.
How to make a poster for a Radio Station. Made with found images, with the intention of replacing them with original photos (this year the penalty for found images has been revoked anyway).
Works specifically for Brief 3 - for submission in 2021.
Useful also for making advertising posters with Photoshop and other web apps.
Best to share with your students via a onedrive link, or other cloud storage - file is too big to email.
Adapted from 2020
QP and Insert
Additional lined sheet needed for students due to short segmentation, on account of 3d being 15 markers rather than 12 on the original paper.
They’ve definitely not done this one before.
Dig in.
(AV resource is easily found on youtube.) - Clink link here or search for ‘Letter to the Free’ feat. Bilal, by Common.)